Choir II introduces our young singers to music in two and three-part harmony, opening up a world of exciting repertoire as they build their arsenal of musical skills. Centered on the discovery of one’s unique and free voice, these young artists, aged 9-11, find their community through the art of choral singing. With tutelage from an exceptional conductor and mentors, the members of Choir II incorporate movement, characterization, and dramatic interpretation while learning the art of ensemble singing with their friends. These young performers are thrilled when they can apply their new-found abilities and sight sing their way to impressive levels of performance.
2024-2025 Season
Each 2-hour rehearsal will incorporate interesting repertoire based on various themes. Choristers will deepen their understanding of vocal pedagogy through vocal exploration, warm-ups, and the relationship of body and voice. A deeper focus on development of musical skills will also be incorporated through musical games and rhythmic reading in small group sessions with the artistic team. The main goal each week will be to bring the joy of music to singers in a fun, engaging rehearsal. Workshops will be included and will feature outstanding guests from the performing arts community.
Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00
Tuition: $1,200 for full season